Meeting Materials
The March 27th Regular Meeting Documents have been posted.
The March 27th Regular Meeting Documents have been posted.
The Lopez Island Hospital District, Lopez Island Fire and EMS (LIFE), and other County-wide leaders are continuing to work with Kaiser Permanente to resolve questions related to coverage for emergency medical air transport. As a…
By now, most Lopezians have heard or read about a number of denials from Kaiser Permanente associated with medical air transport by either Airlift Northwest or Island Air. The situation has impacted residents throughout the…
The Agenda for the February 27th Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners has been posted.
The Board is proud of their financial achievements from the District’s first full year of operations. Some highlights from 2018 include: We paid off the CWMA loan. We paid off the San Juan county loan….
The Agenda for the January 23rd Regular meeting of the Lopez Island Hospital District is now posted.