June 17th Regular Meeting – RECORDING AVAILABLE

If you were unable to attend, the recording is available here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Eez6t_GQXMHkNcSKkjnKi3gzcKDAOyCApBr-tqtz7Fkt4a1PX_Qqhp6qWL7skpvH.Pb_NeOn3SAj5tWS3 Passcode: fF%*KuQ3 The agenda & materials are now posted for the February Regular Meeting of the LIHD Board: 240617 Regular Meeting The meeting starts…

Meet the Providers – LIHD Special Board Meeting -RECORDING AVAILABLE

If you were unable to join us, you can view the recording here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/xHjqj_c1rvHYjtZXQQVHvIDYlI_fBWTcnJVJzocHyhT4HoAyfEBz9JxZB60sG_X-.ywIxFipl86siN7xC Passcode: %+c7=xeV Please join us on Thursday, May 9, for the Lopez Island Hospital District Special Board of Commissioners meeting where…