Updates from Lopez Island Physical Therapy
Big happenings at Lopez Island Physical Therapy. If you have not heard already, Kim Foley will be leaving us this fall. Kim has provided selfless service to our community and was one of the founders…
Big happenings at Lopez Island Physical Therapy. If you have not heard already, Kim Foley will be leaving us this fall. Kim has provided selfless service to our community and was one of the founders…
Are you interested in healthcare on Lopez and seeking part time employment? LIHD is hiring for the Superintendent position, which offers a flexible schedule and great benefits (PEBB medical/dental/vision/life and PERS retirement plan). Please view…
The Agenda and materials for the August Regular Meeting of the LIHD are now posted: 240828 August Regular Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear Tree Lane. Zoom attendance…
The agenda & materials are now posted for the July Regular Meeting of the LIHD Board: 240724 Regular Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear Tree Lane. Zoom attendance…
If you were unable to attend, the recording is available here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Eez6t_GQXMHkNcSKkjnKi3gzcKDAOyCApBr-tqtz7Fkt4a1PX_Qqhp6qWL7skpvH.Pb_NeOn3SAj5tWS3 Passcode: fF%*KuQ3 The agenda & materials are now posted for the February Regular Meeting of the LIHD Board: 240617 Regular Meeting The meeting starts…