Last Thursday night, several of the LIHD Commissioners and Superintendent Presson attended the Lopez Island Family Resource Center’s Community launch event for the Open Source Wellness (OSW) program. In addition to the local OSW team, OSW co-founders traveled from CA to help introduce the program to the community. It was wonderful to see such a large and diverse group of Lopezians actively participating in the two-hour event.
The OSW program brings people together to make eating well, exercising, reducing stress and enjoying meaningful social connections easy and accessible. LIFRC has done a wonderful job assembling a group of coaches, all of whom are Lopezians, with expertise in each area. The coaches led the large group through a series of activities that allowed participants to experience the OSW program.
A very big thank you to Barbara Schultheiss, LIFRC Executive Director, and the LIFRC Board for bringing this program to the Lopez community. Many thanks to Marjorie Schreurs who is overseeing the operational issues and coaching staff, and Makayla Dameron, LIFRC Americorps Vista. A big thank you to the coaches, Rae Graville, Diano Garcia, Nicole Szostak, and Nikola Paros for your time, energy and dedication.
We know from research that medical care accounts for only 10-20% of the modifiable contributors to healthy outcomes for a population. Health behaviors (such as diet and exercise) and Social & Economic factors (such as community safety and social support) can account for as much as 70%. OSW leverages the power of community to help improve health and wellbeing.
You can read more about the program, including how to sign up, by visiting the LIFRC website.