Message from the Finance Committee

The Board is proud of their financial achievements from the District’s first full year of operations. Some highlights from 2018 include:

  1. We paid off the CWMA loan.
  2. We paid off the San Juan county loan.
  3. We fully initiated the Islanders Bank GO Loan which was taken later in the year than originally planned which minimized our 2018 interest payments as well as taking a principal amount that was less than what we originally negotiated. This will lower our debt financial burden and the resulting Cash Flows in years to come.
  4. By agreement of the Board we initiated a Reserve Fund that we will start to put monies into in 2019.
  5. We had a State of Washington Audit and we came out with an excellent outcome.
  6. During the year we made payments to Lopez Island Physical Therapy which included an accelerated payment schedule to help them with the start-up of this business.
  7. We made our contractual payments to UW Neighborhood Clinic (UWNC), the payment schedule was renegotiated to semi – annual payments from quarterly which helped very much with our cash flow and the times of influx of monies to the district from property tax revenues. Our next payment will occur approximately in May 2019 based the July thru Dec. 2018 financial report.
  8. Overall we ended 2018 in very good financial shape.
  9. Looking ahead we need to start thinking about a future contract with UW. Current contract expires 3 years from the commencement date of Sept. 25, 2017, that is Sept. 25, 2020, with an automatic renewal for an additional three years.  If UWNC wanted to terminate for convenience they can do this at any time with one year notice, thus if they wanted not to go past 9/25/2020  (which has an automatic 3 year renewal) they would need to inform us on 9/25/2019 – thus we need to start to consider this in the coming year.