COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ 2.0
This week, the San Juan County Public Information Officer (PIO) released Hot Topic #38, an updated FAQ on the COVID-19 vaccine landscape. It’s important to realize this is likely going to be the most ambitious undertaking ever deployed by the Nation…not to mention our County.
As with all things COVID-19, the details, timing, and understanding about the vaccine effort are still coming into focus. As the PIO states, the picture will shift from week to week, if not day to day. Many details are only estimates at this time.
Everyone associated with this effort is going to need our patience and understanding as they work through the very complicated decisions and logistics that will be part of this endeavor. The good news is that we have a dedicated team of professionals in our County who are staying on top of the details. We have confidence in their ability to come up with a plan that will keep all of us informed and best serve our community.
To go directly to the SJC COVID-19 Hot Topics click HERE.