January 22nd Regular Board Meeting
The Agenda and materials for the January Regular Meeting of the Lopez Island Hospital District are now posted: 250122 Regular Board Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear…
The Agenda and materials for the January Regular Meeting of the Lopez Island Hospital District are now posted: 250122 Regular Board Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear…
The Agenda and materials for the December Regular Meeting of the Lopez Island Hospital District are now posted: 241218 Regular Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear Tree…
The Agenda and materials for the October Regular Meeting of the LIHD are now posted: 241113 Budget Hearing Regular The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear Tree Lane. Zoom…
The Lopez Island Hospital District Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on the 2025 Budget at our Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 13th at 4:00pm. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time…
The Agenda and materials for the October Regular Meeting of the LIHD are now posted: 241023 Regular Meeting The meeting starts at 4pm and will be held at LIFRC, 23 Pear Tree Lane. Zoom attendance…
The LIHD Board will hold a Special Meeting to discuss Commissioner Nominations. The Agenda and materials for this Special Meeting are now posted. You can access all documents here: 241008 Special Meeting The meeting starts…